How to Play Coffin Dance Meme Music with Arduino and Buzzer?

Play Music with Arduino:

In this article, we will learn How to Play Coffin Dance Meme Music with Arduino and Buzzer? We will also learn how to play music in Arduino. 

how to play music in Arduino
Play Coffin Dance Meme Music with Arduino and Buzzer

Circuit Design:

First, you have to make the circuit. The connections are easy. If you use a buzzer, connect the positive terminal of the buzzer to Arduino 5volt and the negative terminal to Arduino Digital pin 5 (According to my code). 

Install library:

We have to install pitches.h library in the Arduino compiler. You can download the header file here.

Coffin dance Arduino code:

Download the following Arduino code or copy and paste it into Arduino IDE.

Video Demonstration:

Following video demo showing the coffin dance meme music in Arduino.

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