How to Install Node-RED on Windows?

Running Node-RED on Windows 10

Node-RED is an open-source flow-based programming platform by IBM working on software and hardware. This article will explain how to install Node-RED on the Windows platform. The following instructions are based on Windows 10. However, anyone can install Node-Red in any version of the Windows environment. 

Install node red in windows 10

Quick Install Node-RED in Windows 10

Step 1 (Install Node.js):

Search for "Node.js download" and install Node.js latest LTS version from the official node.js website. 

Or go to node js official website and download/download/button node js latest LTS version. Select 32 or 64-bit based on your operating system. After downloading, run the MIS file with administrative privilege and follow the installation instructions. 

After successful installation, open the command prompt. Press win+r, type cmd, and hit enter to run the command prompt in Windows. Then run the following command to check the node js and npm versions. 

node --version && npm --version

The command prompt should return the output node js and npm installed successfully. 

Install Node-RED in Windows

Step 2 (Install Node-RED): 

To install Node-RED as a global module, adds the command node-red to your system path and execute the following at the command prompt:

npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red

Step 3 (Run Node-RED):

Once installed, we are ready to use Node-Red. Just run the command "node-red" in the command prompt. And you are good to go.

Install Node-RED in Windows

Once started, you can access Node-RED from any web browser. The node-red will be available in the following URL:


Video demonstration on How to install Node-RED in Windows:

For more detailed instructions, please watch the next video.

2/Post a Comment/Comments

  1. I run into a small problem while installing.
    1 packages failed. visual studio (some thing like that)
    How should I fix this?
    Thank you in advance

    1. You may need to install visual studio manually to fix the issue. Let me know if it works.


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